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(1) 2004-09 至 2009-06, 中国地质大学(武汉), 岩土工程, 博士 (硕博连读)

(2) 2000-09 至 2004-06, 中国地质大学(武汉), 水文与水资源工程, 学士


(1) 2019-06 至 今, 河南工业大学, 土木工程(建筑)学院, 教授

(2) 2011-12 至 2019-06, 河南工业大学, 土木工程(建筑)学院, 副教授

(3) 2009-07 至 2011-12, 河南工业大学, 土木工程(建筑)学院, 讲师


[1]国家自然科学基金,51708182, 筒仓卸粮成拱及其对仓壁超压作用的动态演进机制研究, 2018.1-2020.12,24万,结题,主持

[2]河南省粮油仓储建筑与安全重点实验室开放课题资助,2023KF01, 粮食呼吸作用对仓壁劣化机理的多尺度耦合分析及其评价与调控方法, 2023.11-今,5万,在研,主持

[3]中国地下节能储粮环境区划研究,2011BAD03B00,12-5科技支撑项目子任务,2011.1-2014.12 ,22万,结题,主持

[4]郑州市科技局自然科学项目, 21ZZXTCX09, EVA增强EPS混凝土微观机理及其工程应用研究, 2022.1-今,10万元,在研,主持

[5]河南省属高校科研项目, 2020ZKCJ21, 反复荷载下淤泥轻量土的细观界面破坏及损伤演化机理研究 , 2021.1-今,20万元,在研,主持

[6]河南省青年骨干教师资助计划, 2019GGJS087, 基于细观结构变化的淤泥轻量土变形机理及固结模型研究,2020.1-今,6万元,结题,主持

[7]河南省教育厅基础研究项目,16B560002,多因素耦合作用下的仓内粮食结拱及塌陷模式研究, 2016.1-2018.12,2万,结题,主持

[8]科技部粮食公益性项目,201413007,生态储粮新仓型及技术体系研究与开发, 2014.1-2017.12,350万,结题,参加




[1]Yong Feng , Qian Wang, , Xiaochen YangStudy on micro-mechanical properties of EVA modified rubber-cementitious materials based on molecular dynamics simulation  Construction and Building Materials2024(中科院TOP期刊JCR1区)

[2]Yong Feng, Weijian Wang, Siqi WangMultiscale analysis of recycled coarse aggregate concrete under the synergistic action of KH560 and PVA fibers Construction and Building Materials2024(中科院TOP期刊JCR1区)

[3]Yong Feng  , Wang Chen  , Lijuan Li , Zehua Li , Jingjie FengMultiscale analysis and application of modified PVA fiber reinforced rubber concrete in frame structures,Structures2024SCI期刊收录,JCR1区)

[4]Yong Feng, Weijian Wang, Siqi WangPVA fiber/cement-based interface in silane coupler KH560 reinforced high performance concrete – Experimental and molecular dynamics studyConstruction and Building Materials2023(中科院TOP期刊JCR1区)

[5]Yong Feng, Jingjie Feng, Wang Chen, Chen Zhao and Zehua Li. Multi-scale analysis of Styrene butadiene latex modified PVA fiber concrete. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials2023 (SCI期刊收录,JCR2)

[6]Yong Feng, Zijuan Niu, Chen Zhao and Lijuan Li. Compressive Test Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Polyvinyl-Alcohol (PVA)-Fiber-Reinforced Rubber Concrete. Buildings2023( SCI期刊收录,JCR2)

[7].Feng Yong, Wang Qian, Li Lijuan, et al. Multiscale analysis of silane coupling agent modified rubber-fiber concrete interfaces. Materials Today Communications2023 (SCI期刊收录,JCR2)

[8]Yong Feng, Qin Dajing, Zhao Chen, Li Yuan. Multiscale Enhancement Mechanisms of EVA on EPS-Cement Composites. Journal of materials in civil engineering2023(SCI期刊收录,JCR2)

[9]Feng Yong Zijuan NiuChen Zhao and Lijuan Li. Compressive Test Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Polyvinyl-Alcohol (PVA)-Fiber-Reinforced Rubber Concrete[J]. Buildings2023SCI期刊收录,JCR2区).

[10]Yong FengQian WangLijuan LiYutao MaXiaoyang Li. Multiscale analysis of silane coupling agent modified rubber-fiber concrete interfaces[J].Materials Today Communications2023SCI期刊收录,JCR2区).

[11]Yong Feng Weijian Wang Siqi Wang Zijuan Niu and Lijuan Li. Multi-scale analysis of mechanical properties of KH-560 coupling agent modified PVA fiber-rubber concrete[J]. Composite Interfaces2023SCI期刊收录,JCR2区)

[12]Yong Feng Dajing Qin Chen Zhao and Yuan Li. Multiscale Enhancement Mechanisms of EVA on EPS-Cement Composites[J]. Journal of material in civil engineering2022SCI期刊收录,JCR1区).

[13]Yong Feng Yuan Li Zhao Chen et al. Nano-CaCO3 enhances PVA fiber-matrix interfacial properties: an experimental and molecular dynamics study [J]. Molecular Simulation 2022SCI期刊收录,JCR2区)

[14]Feng Yong Wang C Wang P Y et al. Influence of grain discharge rate on the normal force of arch [J]. European physical journal E 2022SCI期刊收录,JCR2区)

[15]Feng Yong Chen Y Chao Y. Dynamic analysis of damage mechanism of silt light weight soil[J]. Soil mechanics and foundation engineering 2022SCI期刊收录,JCR3区)

[16]Feng Yong Qin D J Zhao C. The synergistic strengthening effect of silane coupling agent on the interface between PVA/EPS and cement: experiment and molecular simulation [J]. Composite interfaces2022SCI期刊收录,JCR2区)

[17]Feng Yong Yu Caihua Hu Kui et al. A study of the microscopic interaction mechanism of styrene–butadiene-styrene modified asphalt based on density functional theory. Molecular Simulation2021SCI期刊收录,JCR2区)

[18]Feng Yong Yu Caihua Pan Fan et al. Effect of Friction Coupling on Discharge Velocity Profiles and Force Chain Distribution of Maize Particles in Silos. Advances in Civil Engineering2020SCI期刊收录,JCR3区)

[19]Feng Yong Chao Yuang. Meso-structure deformation mechanism of EPS silt mixed lightweight soil material under cyclic loading. Soil mechanics and foundation engineering2020SCI期刊收录,JCR3区).

[20]Feng Yong Yuan Ziran. Discrete element method modeling of granular flow characteristics transition in mixed flow. Computational Particle Mechanics2020SCI期刊收录,JCR1).

[21]Yong Feng ZiranYuan. Macroscopic and microscopic simulation of silo granular flow based on improved multi-element model. Journal of  Vibroengineering2019EI期刊收录).


[23]Yong Feng Jie Liu. Dynamic simulation analysis of elastic overpressure fl uctuation on silo wall for the arch action. Journal of  Vibroengineering2019EI期刊收录) .


[25]冯永,刘杰.筒仓卸粮成拱超压系数的动态演变过程研究,应用力学学报, 2020(核心期刊).



[28]冯永,李晓一. 装卸粮下成层地基非线性固结方程解及其分析,河南工业大学学报,2019(核心期刊).

[29]Yong Feng. Test on affecting factors of the density for EPS silt lightweight soil material Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience2015(SCI期刊收录,JCR3).

[30]Yong Feng. Simulation on the Supporting of Underground Storage Foundation Pit by Anchor and Soil Nail International Journal of Smart Home2015EI期刊收录).

[31]Feng Yong. Study on the relationship between strength and water-cement ratio for the EPS silt light-weight soil based on gray verhulst model Open Civil Engineering Journal2015 (EI期刊收录).

[32]Feng Yong. Experimental research on the compressive strength influencing factors of expanded polystyrene sheet silt mixed lightweight soil material Materials Research Innovations2015 (EI期刊收录).




[1]著作:冯永.EPS淤泥混合轻量土试验及工程应用研究.白山出版社, 22万字,2015.




[2]冯永、杜明芳、张吴、赵文才等.基于组构颗粒的粮食散体-仓壁相互作用机理及其在大新型简仓结构分析中的应用研究,中国商业科技进步三等奖, 2022.

[3]冯永、赵辰、咸庆军等.EPS 淤泥混合轻量土试验及其工程应用模拟研究,中国商业科技进步三等奖, 2021.


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