(1) 机场高填方地震灾变和适航性研究(No.2014CB047005),“973计划”课题,640万元,2014-2018,参与;
(2) 飞机荷载作用下非均匀道基动力响应研究(No.2019P03),浙江大学软弱土教育部重点实验室开放基金,3万元,2019-2020,主持;
(3) 飞机-跑道-道基动力相互作用机理及跑道适航性沉降控制标准(No.31401175),河南工业大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目,10万元,2019-2021,主持;
(4) 缩颈桩桩-土相互作用的透明土试验分析及缩颈对承载力可靠度影响研究(No.51978247),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 60万,2020-2023,参与;
(5) 粘质粉土地层盾构下穿徐兰高铁客运专线高架桥关键技术研究(ZTSDGFJS-2022-008),校企合作项目,10万元,2022-2024,主持。
[1] Yun Zhao, Dandan Liu, Daosheng Ling, Changnv Zeng, Zhanglong Chen, Zhendong Shan*. (2025). Semi-analytical solution for the wave motion of unsaturated viscoelastic porous media based on fractional Poynting-Thomson model [J]. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. (SCI).
[2] Zhao, Y., Ji, Z., Chen, Z., Shan, Z., Xu, P., & Zeng, C. (2025). A semi-analytical solution for the one-dimensional transient response of layered unsaturated porous media. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 95(2), 62.
[3] Zhao Yun, Liu Dandan, Ling Daosheng*, Chen Xuemei, Chen Zhanglong, Shan Zhendong. (2024). Semi-analytical solution for the transient response of saturated viscoelastic porous media based on fractional Poynting-Thomson model [J]. Transportation Geotechnics.101460. (中科院二区,SCI).
[4] Zhao Yun, Wu Mingyue, Chen Zhanglong, Zeng Changnv, Xu Ping, Ling Daosheng*. (2024). Mindlin solution and its applicability from the perspective of saturated soil[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics. (中科院二区,SCI,accept).
[5] Zhao, Y.*, Wang, C., Chen, Z., & Liang, R. (2024). Simple approach to assessing excess pore water pressure induced by shield tunneling in saturated-unsaturated clay soil. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-23. (SCI)
[6] Zhao, Y., Yang, Z., Chen, Z., & Ling, D*. (2024). A Modified Wedge-Prism Model for Calculating the Limit Support Pressure of a Shallow Shield Tunnel Face in Unsaturated Sandy Soil. International Journal of Geomechanics, 24(10), 04024233.(中科院二区,SCI)
[7] Zhao Y, Chen X M, Chen, Z., Ling, D.*, Shan, Z., & Xiao, Z. (2024). A Semianalytical Solution for the Transient Response of One-Dimensional Unsaturated Single-Layer Porous Media with General Boundary Conditions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 150(6), 04024024. (SCI)
[8] Zhao, Y., Yang, Z., Chen, Z., & Ling, D*. (2024). Loosening earth pressure above shallow trapdoor in unsaturated soil with different groundwater level. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 18(10), 1626-1635. (SCI)
[9] Zhao Y, Chen X M, Chen Z L, Ling D S*, Shan Z D, Wang Y. A semi-analytical solution for the transient response of one-dimensional saturated single-layer porous media with general boundary conditions[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023: 101006. (中科院二区,SCI)
[10] Zhao Y, Chen X M, Shan Z D*, Ling D S, Xiao Z R. Semianalytical Solution for the Transient Response of One-Dimensional Saturated Multilayered Soil Column[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(12): 04022232. (中科院二区,SCI)
[11] Ling D S, Zhao Y, Huang B*, Zhang F, Zhou Y G. Analysis of dynamic stress path in inhomogenous subgrade under moving aircraft load[J]. Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, 2018,111:65-76.(中科院二区,SCI)
[12] Zhao Y, Ling D S*, Wang Y L, Huang B, Wang H L. Study on a calibration equation for soil water content in field tests using time domain reflectometry[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 2016, 17(3):240-252. (SCI)
[13] Ling D S, Zhao Y, Wang Y L, Huang Bo*. Study on Relationship between Dielectric Constant and Water Content of Rock-Soil Mixture by Time Domain Reflectometry[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2016, (2016-4-14), 2016, 2016(6):1-10. (SCI)
[14] Zhao Y, Ling D S, Huang B*. Effects of Inhomogeneous Subgrade Settlement to Aircraft Vibration and Its Control Standard[M]// Environmental Vibrations and Transportation Geodynamics. Springer Singapore, 2016.(EI)
[15] Zhang, W., Guo, F., & Zhao, Y*. (2024). Elasto-plastic solution for undrained cylindrical cavity expansion in refuse soil. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-13. ( 通讯作者,中科院二区,SCI)
[16] Liu, C., Chen, Z. L., Zhao, Y., Liu, J., Yi, J., & Qi, D. (2025). Torsional dynamic response of a pile embedded in layered unsaturated viscoelastic soils. Journal of Building Engineering, 111773. (中科院二区TOP,SCI)
[17] Liu, C., Chen, Z. L., Zhao, Y., Liu, J., & Yi, J. (2024). Torsional dynamic response of a large-diameter pipe pile in transversely isotropic unsaturated soils considering construction disturbance. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 186, 108913. (中科院二区,SCI)
[18] Chen, Z. L., Li, J. P., Zhao, Y., Chen, H. X., & Zhou, Y. D. (2025). Analytical Solution for One-Dimensional Electroosmotic Consolidation of a Multilayered Soil System. International Journal of Geomechanics, 25(1), 04024325. (中科院二区,SCI)
[1] 赵云,杨忠方,张朋*,凌道盛.非饱和砂土中深埋活动门试验松动土压力计算[J].岩土工程学报,2024. (岩土中文三大刊,EI,录用)
[2] 赵云,王超伟,陈樟龙,曾长女,徐平,凌道盛*.基于多因素盾构施工引起非饱和地层变形研究[J].应用基础与工程科学学报,2024.(EI,录用)
[3] 赵云,王超伟,陈樟龙,张卫民,凌道盛*,肖昭然.非饱和半空间受埋置集中力作用初值解[J].土木工程学报, 2024, 57(5):76-85.(土木中文顶刊,EI)
[4] 赵云,刘丹丹,张朋*, 陈樟龙,梁荣柱,凌道盛. 非饱和黏性土中盾构施工引起超静孔压简易算法[J].土木工程学报, 2023, 56(S2):58-66.(EI)
[5] 赵云,陈雪梅,陈樟龙,凌道盛*,单振东,肖昭然.不同透水边界下单层饱和多孔介质一维瞬态响应解[J].岩土工程学报,2023,45(06):1133-1140.(岩土中文三大刊,EI)
[6] 赵云,杨忠方,凌道盛*,陈鹏,肖昭然.垃圾土中排水柱孔扩张问题弹塑性解[J].岩土力学,2022,43(07):1825-1832.(岩土中文三大刊,EI)
[7] 赵云,凌道盛*,王云龙,黄博.改进一步法模型及TDR自适应方法研究[J].岩土工程学报,2016,38(05):818-827.(岩土中文三大刊,EI)
[8] 凌道盛,盛文军,黄博*,赵云.道面单向约束作用对飞机振动响应的影响[J].浙江大学学报(工学版),2021,55(09):1684-1693.(EI)
[9] 黄博,王宇,赵云,凌道盛*.道面结构刚度和地基不均匀性对飞机荷载下道基附加应力的影响[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2019,50(09):2195-2206.(EI)
[10] 钮家军,凌道盛*,王秀凯,单振东,赵云.饱和单层土体一维热固结精确解[J].岩土工程学报,2019,41(09):1715-1723.(EI)
[11] 凌道盛,王云龙,赵云,黄博*,周燕国.飞机主起落架移动荷载作用下道基动力响应分析[J].岩土工程学报,2018,40(01):64-73.(EI)
[12] 凌道盛,张凡,赵云,黄博*,周燕国.飞机荷载作用下非均匀道基动力响应分析[J].土木工程学报,2017,50(02):97-109.DOI:10.15951/j.tmgcxb.2017.02.012.(EI)
[13] 张如如,赵云,徐文杰*,黄博,凌道盛,韩黎明.温度作用下机场跑道土基中水气运移规律分析[J].浙江大学学报(工学版),2016,50(05):822-830.(EI)
[1] 郭凤伟,肖昭然*,陈鹏,杨清晨,赵云.桩-垃圾土界面力学特性的试验研究[J].公路,2023,68(01):285-293.(核心)
[2] 肖昭然,杨清晨*,赵云,郭凤伟.飞机单轮动载下非均匀道基附加动应力响应[J].辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(06):511-517.(核心)
[3] 杨相如,陈雪梅,赵云*.单层非饱和不可压缩多孔介质一维瞬态响应精确解[J].地震工程学报,2023.(核心,录用)