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吴智深,19616月生。河南工业大学教授、博士生导师;日本工程院院士(外籍),欧洲科学与艺术院院士;中组部国家级领军人才,国家杰青,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员教育部 江学者教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队领军人主持国家973项目国家重点研发项目及国家111引智计划项目等重大项目。历任第十三届全国政协委员、中国农工党第十六届中央委员会委员。


现任国际玄武岩纤维及复合材料学会(ISBFC)会长曾任国际智慧基础设施结构健康监测学会(ISHMII)会长国际建筑纤维增强复合材料(IIFC)副会长。任中国土木工程学会理事、中国化纤工业协会玄武岩纤维分会名誉会长、中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会名誉理事长、中国复合材料学会土木应用分会理事长、中国硅酸盐学会玻纤分会会副会长中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制专业委员会副理事长ISO/TC 71/SC 6/WG 6 召集人,可持续性材料及结构国际期刊(IJSMSS)主编以及10SCI期刊的副主编、编委。先后当选美国土木工程师学会、日本土木工程学会、国际建筑纤维增强复合材料学会、国际智慧基础设施结构健康监测学等国际学会协会会士

研究领域包括:工程结构增强检测监测与防灾控制、先进纤维复合材料、智能传感技术智慧基础设施、城市安全与节能工程等,发表高水平期刊论文700余篇,入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单著书15册;获国内外发明专利120余项;作为第一完成人获国家科技进步二等奖、国家技术发明二等奖获国际结构健康监测人物奖SHM Person of the Year Award、国际土木工程纤维复合材料学会最高学奖(IIFC Medal国际智慧基础设施结构健康监测学会终身成就奖(ISHMII Aftab Mufti Medal)、国际先进材料协会(IAAM)奖章各1省部级一等奖10项,在日本获学术奖4项;主编国内外标准20余项,主持余项重大工程项目

Zhishen WU is a professor Southeast University in China and an emeritus professor at Ibaraki University in Japan. His research interests include carbon/basalt fibers and FRP composite technologies, advanced sensor technologies and structural health/risk/disaster monitoring, control & management and smart infrastructure. He has published 15 books and over 700 papers in refereed journals and international conference proceedings including over 100 keynote papers. His publications have received wide citations, e.g. his total citations in Google Scholar are over 20000 times. He holds over 100 authorized patents. He also contributed greatly to the 30 standards and guidelines in the fields as the leaders in Japan, China and international societies. He received many awards such as International SHM Person of the Year Award in 2009, IIFC (International Institute for FRP in Construction) medal in 2016 from international societies and many Research Awards from both Japan and China.  He has been the committee chairman or board member of numerous national and international scientific societies such as the president of International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructures (ISHMII) and the president of the International Society for Basalt Fibers and Composites (ISBFC). Moreover, he serves as an editor, associate editor, editorial board member for more than ten international journals, including the founding Editor-in-Chief of the International of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems. He is a fellow of the Engineering Academy of Japan, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, ASCE, JSCE, ISHMII, and IIFC etc. He has led over 30 important joint research projects for promoting the international collaborations in the fields.


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